(Yes, it’s just a placeholder until I actually put some stuff here. Wait until the book gets published!)

As more and more of the RPG gets fleshed out, I’ll include articles and addenda here. In the meantime…

Need to Download Another Copy of the Book?

Download the Last Res0rt RPG all over again!

Looking for a Roleplaying Group?

There’s an (unofficial) set of RP forums here!

The RP fourms are wholly fan-maintained, and I can’t take any responsibility for what goes on over there.

Need someplace to hold all your fun? Hey, if you’re one of those who doesn’t game in front of a computer, you have lots of papers to keep track of, including printouts of the PDF version…

…so I made up a special Last Res0rt RPG Binder for you to keep all of your character sheets, maps, item details, and special “surprises” you have in store for your campaigns!

It’ll not only hold your important papers in a snazzy little setup, it can also double as a GM shield for your games!

Get your own binder today!